Thursday, October 25, 2018


Halloween time is either the best or the worst time to quit sugars. Or it's somewhere in the middle. I don't think there's any other options than that; it follows that there wouldn't be, but I'm probably overlooking something exceedingly simple, because it seems like I'm always doing that.

What in the world is wrong with me? By which I mean, why isn't my Instagram getting more followers? I'm currently in the double digits, but it's harder than it sounds to keep it that way. It sounds like you wouldn't have to work at all and people would just, not unsubscribe from you. But that's not the way it's working. I've devised something of a formula: for all the subscribers I have, subtract two or three and that's the number I can baseline count on; those ones off the top, they're just going to drop me for some reason.

I am getting a couple of comments trickling in, so that's nice. Maybe that boosts you in the algorithms or something?

I wouldn't mind it as much if I hadn't had a classmate in Business for the Professional Artist class who signed up for Instagram for the class, started out with zero subscribers, and was given the challenge to get like so many subscribers by such a date, and managed to pull it off. He used TIPS and TRICKS like, posting at a certain time in the day and stuff, and, heck maybe I SHOULD try that...

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