Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Hammering Out My Thoughts a Bit More (More TLJ Stuff)

I ask if there's a political component to TLJ hatedom or fandom. The rhetoric does seem to reach political levels. 

1. There's a current brouhaha with Supreme Court nominee where absolutely everyone is falling down party line over which side they support, so that should provide a good metric if we want to get empirical about this. Go up to people, ask them two questions, and see if there's any correlation. 

2. Patrick (H) Willem's video about how he loves TLJ, not about how critics are wrong or anything but about how much he loves it and wishes that haters could see what he sees in it, somehow got proportionally more thumbs downs than the video specifically about TLJ criticism; even though there wasn't really any negativity in it, like they just hated how he could like it. Sounds political to me.

3. Of course part of the criticism against the padding on Canto Bight is political- the scene is much more effective if you bring outside opinions/baggage into it; the film itself doesn't do much to have us hate these war profiteers generally, barring some relatively light animal and child abuse from the horseything racers and handlers. If you're naturally disposed to hatred of, say, multi-eggsacked opera stars, you're going to get a lot more catharsis out of that sequence.

4. Thinking that The Last Jedi was a mistake is also much more likely to happen if you think The Force Awakens was a mistake and that Disney should just have... let the past die, kill it if they have to? (Which of course plays into the, people who hate TLJ for the opposite reason, because they loved TFA and TLJ undid much or all of what happened in that film.) Not sure if this is an indictment against capitalism or what.

5. I also asked if there's any part that TLJ haters can agree is good. The beginning parts, I guess? I'd have to look more into it, but for sure not the part where Luke is... I'm sorry, but when has Luke ever not been a whiny emo about everything? I'd have to rewatch RotJ I guess. And also, look into parts everyone can agree were good.

6. Speaking of the beginning parts, I loved the movie obviously but I wonder if I'm actually a hater. The part we theoretically can all agree on to be good, I might actually hate it because I love it? Explaining: I don't think that Poe's actions directly caused the fleet to be destroyed; there was a freak accident that happened to be while he was disobeying direct orders, but he was doing the right thing (the film presents his side of the argument clearly and competently so clearly wants us to be on his side.) Does my still loving Poe Dameron even though I see people arguing something about how this goes against his characterization or whatever, make me wrong and thus a hater because I'm loving the movie the wrong way? Well, no, but... thinking about opinions too much is confusing.

7 a. The non-film media, television and stuff. Do those who dislike the idea of new Star Wars films do so on the ground that they're films?, like we can just ignore the shows that's fine, but we can't ignore the movies? There's something about the movies and how they're a big part of the overall cultural dialogue, whereas television is just part of specific Star Wars and canon dialogues.

7 b. Anyway I want to tangent and gush about Star Wars TV for a bit. I could do a whole series just on the feels The Clone Wars gives me.

7 c. Resistance is premiering on Friday. Excited? Excited. Because of all the Poe Dameron in the trailers.

7 d. 1. Jon Favreau began shooting the new show The Mandalorian, coming to Disney's upcoming streaming service.

7 d. 2. Another tangent; Netflix has basically nothing anymore; Hulu is where it's been at for a large chunk of the past year at least. Disney's going to be better than Netflix for sure.

I just love the moment in A New Hope when Luke turns off his targeting computer. The character's need superseding the character's want. 

I'm not sure if there's a metaphor in there about anything; I just think it's excellent filmmaking.

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