Saturday, October 13, 2018

Inktober Versus: Working Hard

I don't want it to be mutually exclusive, either posting to my blog or putting up an Inktober post, but right now... looking like it is. I need to make Inktober more of a priority, rather than an afterthought. The prompts are supposed to make it easier and not harder, but 1) I'm drawing a blank on "guarded" 2) alright no I'm not, the word immediately calls to mind Julie Taymor's character design for Nathan Gunn's portrayal of Papageno in the 2006 Metropolitan Opera production of The Magic Flute, but I really want to dig deeper than that, and 3) just because it's easier doesn't mean that it's easy; the more time you put into the project the better the results are going to be, and like anything else important, I'm just kind of shunting it all aside to work on it later, when I know I should tackle it as soon as possible and why do I procrastinate so much, I always enjoy myself as soon as I start working but for some reason that doesn't make me any more willing to do it?!

NaNoWriMo being half a month away, I shudder to think how that will turn out.

How much time did it take me a day last year, to write 1,667 words a day? I should be spending, like, that much time, each day this month.

Anyway I redesigned the blog a bit, tentatively. I'm not changing it back to that eyesore before, but I'd be surprised if I kept this same theme for anything but a little bit. I mean, I wouldn't read myself, the previous design, and this design has loads more class.

Now how to figure out the HTML to give us more leading between lines...

(EDIT: Figured it out! Now how to figure out the HTML to give me more spacing between the end of a post and the footer...)

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