Sunday, October 16, 2016

Arial Was I, Ere I Saw Verdana

This post is in Verdana instead of Arial today! Just as a formatting experiment; I was fiddling around with the settings and I think Verdana may be easier to read. 

This is Arial. Kind of a subtle difference but note the narrower letterspacing in Arial, lower ascenders, and especially how much thicker the strokes are in Verdana compared with Arial.

Alright, you really can't tell that at this point size, but there's still an appreciable difference in the cap and descender heights vs the x height, giving this really freer-breathing sort of feeling I think. Really goes to show how subtle differences in typography can have tremendous impact on the final feel. Also, serifed capital I's, how great is that?

Anyway! Judy x Nick, totally canon, as confirmed by... the Disney iMessage sticker app? Victories where you can take 'em. (but seriously we live in a world where you can add STICKERS of DISNEY CHARACTERS to your TEXT MESSAGES and it is AWESOME.)

Though actually (and I guess I'm back in Arial again, though I bet you wouldn't have noticed had I not told you) I don't think I've been a Judy x Nick shipper for months- shocking, I know, but I just like the fanfics/fan comics* where Nick has a secret unrequited crush on Judy, a lot more... and I wonder if that says something about me...

But look at 'em snuggle like that! That's just adorable...**

*Kind of a slippery slope, so I restrict my consumption to that which Pinterest supplies for me. ["thug life" shades descend from heavens.]

**Also, look at Stich and his flyest of bootyshakes. I like to imagine that "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" is playing in the background there.

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