Sunday, October 30, 2016

Bustin' Chops and Takin' Names

Someone could very conceivably run a webcomic, with some form of social media as the medium. Pinterest, or Instagram, or some similar platform. Draw a panel, post it on Instagram; start a Pinterest board, draw a panel, pin it to the board; the feed itself would be the comic page. Not ideal, still- subscribers would receive the panels on their feed, out of the context of the other panels. And looking at the board itself, or whatever it is you call the Instagram wall, all the panels would be in reverse order, because the most recent posts are at the top and it goes reverse chronolo. But it's still an idea. I mean, you do see individual pages like that, which makes more sense, but that kind of thing is just, posting a page from a comic book; it isn't designed for the medium itself.

I'm probably not doing NaNoWriMo this year, though I'd been going to do it last year and all, and have had a year's worth of worldbuilding and character construction and all that, since then, and all that. And by probably I mean, heck I don't have time for that. Maybe days'll suddenly gain 12 additional hours or something, but, no. Barring the ridiculous, I wouldn't have time.

I'm getting super ambitious with my ideas for the Outlet pieces I'm doing graphic design for- I only have a month to deliver professional-quality work, and I'm used to producing amateur-quality work after the span of a couple of months of work. By that I mean, I usually wait till the last second, because, design - so this time, competing against the other students for the precious precious slottage of having product in the final Outlet (great for portfolios!), I'm busting my chops and totally not getting distracted on Wikipedia and Pinterest doing my visual research. (Ha.) But, yeah, I am spending major time on this, at expense of, things that aren't this.

I will have my annual spooky short story tomorrow, of course, but most of my writing right now is in my process book, explaining the development of my visual concepts and the thinking behind why I'm going the directions I am. My module process book is at 24 pages right now, from 6 days of work, and just having that thing open in InDesign is slowing 2.0 down considerably. (The page count does include the cover and illustrations, so it's not like, pure text or anything.)

30 pages now...

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