Friday, October 7, 2016

Plus, He Knows Karate.

International Cinema night tonight, with today's offering being Seven Samurai.

This video came out last week from Channel Criswell, another YouTube cinema-analysis channel that I watch (but don't think I've mentioned yet.) It's, about how rad Seven Samurai is, so, there you go I guess.

He recognized me, this time. It wasn't Devin, which (just as I thought) wouldn't make any sense, but his older brother Duncan, which does make sense, but darn it they just both look so much the same that it's kind of tough to tell... I've got these photos of our most recent meeting sometime around 2006, where they'd look more similar to themselves now and all that vs when we were kids, which photos kind of exploded when Laptop 1.0 did its death thing though, and I don't have pictures from when we were kids so I guess that's all kind of pointless- but if it weren't, those photos would totally back me up. Maybe.

Still a major hugger, though. Both of 'em. Which does make sense, it has been a while... Funny thing, it was Duncan whom I was the closer to, with Devin being the tag-along, but now Duncan's the one who seems further away.

It was my voice that stirred the recognition in him. 10 years later, and it's the sound of my voice that stirs something in him... It was the after-film discussion, what few of us stuck around this time after a nearly 3 1/2 hour-long movie, and with Seven Samurai being remade as The Magnificent 7, Yojimbo being remade as Shane, Samurai movies being the same genre as cowboy movies, the point I used my voice to voice is that those two are also the same genre as cop films.

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