Saturday, October 8, 2016

Bad at It

"You voting in the election next month?" my apartmentmate asks me from the door to my bedroom, as I lie in bed working on... I think sculpture, here, and as he gets prepared to head out the door.

A beat or so. "I guess," I tell him.

Another pause, as he's crossing over to the outside door, or something. I didn't look up. Like I've told you. A beat of hesitation. "[Sock puppet] '16!" he says, before exiting, as if nobody knew whom he was voting for yet.

It's nice that he's standing up for his convictions I guess?

But man Mormons are bad at having normal conversations about things that are important to them.

We've all seen it on Facebook and stuff- it's impossible for a Mormon to just casually say, "#ldsconf was the bomb this weekend!" or anything. Every time they make a post like that, it's like we feel we have to bear our entire friggin' testimony. Or just shove it in awkwardly, right before we rush out the door, some kind of ultimate safety mechanism. Either way, impossible to have a normal conversation, which you'd figure would be the first thing they train you for in human school.

But I guess not.

So, Bone is pretty dope. Never really been a fan of it till now, but I finally figured I should read the whole thing, beginning to end... till this point I've been working from the color versions, but the comic was originally published with just black and white art, which I'm going off of now, and, dang if it isn't the most gorgeous thing I've ever read, line-art-wise.

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