Saturday, October 15, 2016

Peanut Butter

Totally dropped the peanut butter jar less than a block from the apartment, yesterday afternoon coming back from shopping. I didn't mention it yesterday because I was too busy profusely bleeding from a glass cut on my thumb to bring it up. I love the Good Samaritanianess of people- some people see you on the sidewalk cradling a glob of peanut butter in your hand and trying to salvage what you can, and just walk on by. Others don't.

I managed to pick most of the glass out, I think. Still there were always tiny grains of crunch, in a non-crunchy butter. Ryan bought me a new jar, and so we (he) could just scoop out the other stuff from its 'ware. Chunky this time, though like I said I'd bought creamy (but chunky the time before that, so...)

YouTube continuing my backlog of watch laters. This documentary is among them, from Ahoy who apparently do(es) documentaries on video games (I'm looking at the page now and there's a literal buttload of guides for individual weapons in FPS's); I'm not sure where some of my recommendations come from but this stuff is fascinating enough. The history of graphics is really the history of video games themselves, in a sense. And I remember when a lot of these came out... Descent, man, so many memories of playing that one...

It's 45 minutes long, and there's some animated gore (there's also an entire 16-minute long documentary on the history of that in video games, which I haven't seen yet, here if you're interested.)


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