Monday, June 26, 2017


Like half the (many) books on autism at the library being written or cowritten by Temple Grandin, Temple Grandin, the 2010 HBO biopic, has been one of two movies I've really been meaning to see again lately. (I'll name the other one here if I can remember it...)

EDIT: By the way I did get a chance to see it again; I just didn't have the time to report on it because I spent so much time trying to remember the name of the other movie (Sneakers? Jumanji? Pretty in Pink?) that I had to shoot the post off early lest it be late. 

There was Star Wars, the original one, playing on a television at the university bookstore once, a couple months back, and the characters were just sitting in the Millennium Falcon talking, I think the scene where it's all "do you think a guy like me could have a chance" with Leia, but the details don't really matter- it was just this simple scene, and even out of context, you could tell just from watching a few seconds that you were looking at something special, just from those few seconds that the entire thing is radiant and that you're in capable storytelling hands. 

And that's how Temple Grandin is. It's a masterpiece.

Pretty fun, also, from reading her lately, and catching some of the quotes. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be," "different not less," that kind of thing. Woo.

EDIT 2: Life of Pi, that's the one!

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