Sunday, June 18, 2017

Spider-Man, He's Ignored, Spider-Man, is His Reward

I totally forgot to tell you yesterday how I got fiberglass splinters embedded into my palm, running my hand against an (apparently splintery) fiberglass pole on the top of a fire hydrant. Seems like the universe really has it in for my shell. My ghost is harder to reach, but there's been like a heck of a lot of Spider-Man stuff around lately, which... may serve as a symbolic reminder of how our environment can influence us for ill or for good.

It seems like you can't avoid it, even without seeking it out. Thank goodness it's something innocuous and I'm just referring to Spider-Man, but what if it weren't that? What if it were drugs or porn or something? That's really how the world is in places, I mean, no matter where you'd turn your head, even if you're keeping it down. It requires hecka vigilance. Hecka vigilance.

But seriously object lesson or whatever aside, I really just want to talk about Spider-Man; the spoiler vice really is tightening like some kind of spoilery spidery web of some sort: 
  • There were posters for sale at WalMart, at the poster place. At least one of them was Homecoming related, maybe they all were. Mostly of Spider-Man Spider-Manning around, but one of them had him with... Ant Man it looked like, I averted my eyes? If he's the villain nobody tell me. The style of the posters looked like they were of the cartoon, though, so it could have been just that one poster that was explicitly of the movie, of the movie.
  • I saw in the trash a box of Fruit Roll-Ups branded with Spider-Man: Homecoming, but that's all I saw before I looked away. Our Fruit Roll-Ups (may) have spoilers on now. Better watch yourself in the store.
  • Soon I may temporarily have to give up my daily Marvel Puzzle Quest (it helps me wake up in the mornings, and it's where I get in my scriptures for the day, listening to them on audio while my mind zones out puzzle solving.) They do themed cover artwork and loading screens and even app icons depending on whatever latest Marvel movie is out or is coming out. (There was a new promo a couple of days ago where it looked like Sandman's now a character you can play, but Ryan would know who that is, and such new characters come out all the time unrelated to movies, and Sandman seems like an odd choice for a debut Spider-Man solo film anyway, especially one set in the MCU where things like y'know Sandman would be tougher to wave off. (I can see Sandman being in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or something, but...))
  • There's a giant cardboard Spider-Man in Paramount 5. It's just of the poster, totally spoiler-free but very evocative, so thank you to Sony and Columbia and Marvel Studios and whoever, and whoever designed the poster and everything, for not spoiling anything other than that Spider-Man's in a Spider-Man movie. There's also one of those at FatCats 6, but I've steered clear of it because I didn't know it was spoiler-free, I just saw from a distance that it was Spider-Man and I averted my eyes. CAN YOU IMAGINE THOUGH, if the poster did have spoilers on it? Maybe they'll be coming out with one of those, I don't know! It's dangerous out there!
  • There was a Dell catalogue with Spider-Man on the cover doing non-spoilery Spider-Man activities. Inside there was a gaming computer which claimed to be featured in the movie. That could mean anything, so I'm not concerned with that one as much.
  • I read, researching the Incredible Hulk movie, that one of the actors from that also plays a teacher in Homecoming. So. (There's going to be teachers in it. Which means school. Presumably there's a Homecoming as well. Maybe the plot's about that? But there's Spider-Man in it too, otherwise the film would be called just Peter Parker: Homecoming. Which maybe would be interesting in its own right (oh man, those are the movies Marc Webb should have directed!) but I don't know.)

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