Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Plans for Changing Degrees: The Department Head Meetings

So the whole business where I'm thinking of changing degrees, because from the beginning I've wanted to go into the BFA program but my portfolio in graphic design has never been, um, good, so I never applied but my hand would be a lot steadier at trying to get into some other BFA track:

I had my talks with the department heads of illustration and printmaking, and their respective advice was surprisingly compatible. Carla Jimison talked about what it's like to have printmaking as a career; Wade Huntsman talked about classes, and suggested a course to get into illustration to see if I like the waters. (That'd be three classes: head drawing, media experimentation, and introduction to illustration which apparently has media experimentation as a prerequisite. That'd be a problem, for reasons I'm about to explain, but I've taken a class the same semester I've taken its prerequisite before, so.)

Here's the problem with getting into classes, or changing my degree at all. There's 120 credit hours needed to graduate, and I've got 118. Point five. 118.5. And I'm not sure if that doesn't count the credits I'm taking this semester...

The BFA is designed, Bro Huntsman says, to get you into it at around no later that 90ish credits, which would allow you some semesters to build up to your final BFA project. He said (even not knowing the true number of credit hours I've under my belt so far) that it would be better to have my major stay the same, or switch it to printmaking or whatever, but instead of going for a BFA go for the BA but with a minor in illustration. That'd give me so much more experience.

Is it too late to shoot for even a minor though? Am I too far into it?

The only reason I took Fall semester last year was to get a prerequisite to let me take a graphic design class, advanced typography, in the Winter semester. Only that class wasn't offered Winter semester, so the point- was -less in the first place. Advanced type WAS offered this semester, but I couldn't sign up in time because there was a special hold on my account- a hold brought about because of how close I was to having enough credits to graduate, the same problem that I'm running into now. Of course. 

So instead of getting into advanced typography class this semester, I got into the monotype/monoprint class which I otherwise wouldn't have signed up for, which is only spurring my interest in getting a printmaking degree. Alongside the already being in printmaking, of course, which was itself brought about of course because people kept saying that my graphic design looked like printmaking; who knows, maybe I could have taken the hint earlier. (Monotype/monoprint, by the by, is only a creditable emphasis course for the printmaking BFA, BFA 2-D, not the normal printmaking BA.)

Carla says that it'd be possible to just graduate, get a nice portfolio, and submit it somewhere and go get a Master's. Which does sound nice, but...

I want to stick around. I hate that I took fall semester. Not only does it further entrench me in a path I'm no longer a fan of, but it advanced me further toward a graduation earlier than I want...

Screw it, I'm addressing the elephant, the primary reason I've wanted to stay in school. I'm waiting around for McKenna. Left on her mission after Spring semester a year ago; I don't know how long she's been out or when she's going to get back, but it'd be, nice, to be around once she does. I'm not one for smalltalk, though I can engage in conversations fluently; I've only cared about dating girls I thought would be the one. Courting, in other words. And McKenna and I, we've dated.

I'd just grab the last course needed for my degree over the summer, and be done with school now instead of waiting half a year till Winter 2018 semester to take my last few classes, if it weren't for that.

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