Sunday, June 11, 2017

Zeitl Malosses and Pals

Woke up at 10:45 this morning. Church is at 9:30. Oops. Guess I should go to bed earlier. Which means guess I should make this quick.

Spent the last few hours (!) trying to open up obscure file types and scouring the corners of my documents to find all the names that that came to me in dreams (not like of ancestors or anything- names like Thiefmo Satchmo, Sabertooth Tigerbangon, that kind of deal, just crazy dream character names which I woke up to write down, written down then written up into a digital format,) or which I otherwise came up with, so that I could finally consolidate them into one secure file. File types and storage systems obsolesce frighteningly quickly; even when we think our data are secure and permanently accessible that's not the case.

There is one name that I'll never be able to recover; it was taken on the notes system of the cellphone most recently lost. I saw it frequently enough to have the gist of it impress in my memory- it was something like Ixmal Ilyan, along the lines of that. But other than that, I've collected most of them, into one place together at last.

Also: scraps for potential posts, also found those among my writings. Here's a complete thought, written after having viewed the ending of the Doctor Strange movie, which I thought to put here to beef this post up a paragraph's worth: 

MCU are incorporating the format into the storytelling itself- the film Doctor Strange feels somehow incomplete looking just at the body, but incorporate (add to the body) the post-credits stinger, and all promises are fulfilled. Likewise, the film stands on its own but has incorporated as well the sense of incompleteness, that it can't be viewed on its own legs but as part of a serial. DOCTOR STRANGE WILL RETURN is no empty threat, and we all know that by now.

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