Friday, June 30, 2017

A Short Allegory About Octopodes

I was thinking about how terrifyingly smart octopuses are, like seriously I'm pretty sure they're sapient (and I for one am no longer eating octopus because that'd kind of be like eating a rubbery person,) and I was thinking about how the female octopus yet starves herself to death protecting her eggs while they're incubating, and how thus the mothering instinct is stronger than the survival instinct sometimes, even in intelligent species.

And I was coming back from Albertsons comparison shopping that versus Broulims (Broulims wins in every category, this time, but Albertsons has better prices frequently enough that it's worth checking, especially as long as I'm in the neighborhood at Fat Cats (checking if Spider-Man tickets are available for preorder (which they're not yet, because you have to purchase for a specific showing when you're buying tickets, and they won't have that figured out until Monday,))) shopping with a grocery list of nothing but healthy items (fruits, vegetables, and certain Post breakfast cereals (Grape Nuts and Shredded Wheat are the only breakfast cereals of which I know that have no added sugars)) and, on this trip from the selecting of the best prices on the healthiest foods, I stopped by a food truck, to get something overpriced and greasy. I guess supporting local business is my metaphorical maternal instinct, which trumps even my idiomatic instinct of survival.

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